Hennepin County Child Maltreatment Report – Unable to Download Form

We ran into this the other day, and this is what worked for us…

We were working with a school (all Apple environment) which was attempting to download the “Suspected Child Maltreatment Report” from the Hennepin County Child Protection Services website.  In this specific instance, we were attempting to download the form in order to submit via fax.  Each time we attempted to download the form, the browser (Chrome and Safari) would load the page, but never the actual form itself.  We would, simply, get the following:

Child Services Error

We were able to get around this issue by performing the following steps:

  1. Download and install the most current version of Adobe Reader
  2. Download and install the most current version of Mozilla Firefox
  3. Open Firefox
    1. Go to the Hennepin County Child Protection Services website

i.     https://www.hennepin.us/residents/human-services/child-protection-services

  1. Select Faxable form (PDF) link at the end of option three
  2. Once the page loads you should see the following near the top of the page:

i.     “This PDF document contains forms.  The filling of form fields is not supported”

  1. Select the Open With Different Viewer button to the right of message indicated in the previous step

ii.     You should now be presented with a window prompting you to tell Firefox what to do with the file.  Perform the following steps:

  1. Select the radio button next to “Open with”
  2. In the dropdown menu, select Other…
  3. Select Adobe Acrobat Reader DC from within the applications folder
    1. The pull down window should now reflect the program selection you just made

iii.     Select OK

  1. Adobe Reader should now open and you should be presented with the form ready for you to fill out and print

If you have any further questions, please leave them in the comments or feel free to call Canopy IT Solutions for a free consultation.