Sharing Calendars Using Office 365 OWA

We ran into this the other day, and this is what worked for us…

We had a customer which wanted to share a specific calendar using Microsoft Office 365 Web Application.  The calendar was created by a user which we were unable to track down the password for.  Unfortunately, this meant we were not able to use the “Share” option, nor were we presented with the “Permissions” selection when right clicking on the calendar.  Using the following steps we were able to share the calendar:

  1. Log into httpss://
  2. From the application menu in the upper left corner of the window (the icon with the nine squares organized into one square), select “Mail”
  3. In the upper right corner of the window, you should now see an icon of a person or the user’s picture
    1. Select “Open another mailbox…”
    2. Type in the name of the calendar/username of the user which created the calendar you would like to add and select “Open”

i.     If the name is in your contacts it should populate automatically

ii.     If the name does not show up automatically, select “Search contacts and directory”

  1. Once again, select the application menu in the top left of the window.  This time select the “Calendar” icon
    1. The calendar you added should now be merged with the users’ calendar
    2. You can now use the “Share” button to share the calendar with any users in your organization

i.     When sending invites you should be able to select which permissions the respective users will have

If you have any further questions, please leave them in the comments or feel free to call Canopy IT Solutions for a free consultation.